About us

Welcome to kennel  “Landseer from Letohrad´s ranch”.

Our station is dedicated to breeding Landseer dogs since 2002. In that year, we enthusiastically brought our first dogs – Alain, whom we started calling Čoky, from the same litter his brother Aaron, called Piškot. Puppies were brought from kennel Cortorea.

Because we wanted to meet with other owners of these dogs and exchange our experience, in our case rather gain as much as we could, we drove to look for their first shows. We were surprised by very small number of individuals of this beautiful breed, which at that time almost nobody breeded in Bohemia, and that almost no one knew this breed, but there was a huge interest in the landseers. Furthermore then we were frequently asked about puppies, especially if at all is it possible to make future purchase. So we decided, although we had not originally anticipated, acquire more females and establish a breeding station.

We live on a small “ranch” in Letohrad, thus we named our kennel “Z Letohradského ranče.” Available quality of females Landseers in Bohemia is as saffron so we inquired with our neighbors in Germany. It took almost two years before we managed to reserve a beautiful girl, Michell von der Silberdiestel. We called her Bubu and she became a member of the pack in 2004. Later after three months our steps went into a Germany once again. The pack has been strengthened by wonderful Alexis von Sorel, which we call Saly.

These two females have gradually bred 5 litters, from which sprang a total of 35 puppies whome found a new home across Europe from France to Sweden.

We were always very busy in our garden. In 2007 we had an Irish wolfhound called Kuba, a pair of llamas, Cameroon dwarf goats, black swans, pair of blue peacocks , and finally we found a baby red fox or wounded owl and lots of kittens. That mase a proper carousel. In 2011, we added to the current kennel small pet shitzu Sebastien and at the spring of 2012, his new friend, Maine coon cat called Cathy.

As it is now, no one is immortal. In autumn 2011 has unexpectedly  left in his sleep our first Landseer Aaron – Piškot and month after wolfhound Cuba. It suddenly became all sad. But we wanted to continue breeding Landseers. In the spring of 2012 we brought new puppies, dog Frodo from Hungarian kennel Touch of the Moonlight and female Elfi z Laderova, which is our blood – the granddaughter of a very successful female Michell von der Silberdiestel. Both “small” puppies brought new life to the garden and involved into their games our grandmothers Michell and Saly and grandfather Čoky. A recently expanded pack of beautiful baby girl from Germany – Janina vom Petersberg, a female from one of the oldest and most successful kennels breeds Landseer in Germany for more than forty years of tradition.


You can find all our animals in  photogallery and rest of the new information on our home page.